Dead-simple real-time webdev for node. v0.0.0

Build A Todo App

We're going to go through the steps to build a Todo App with up and downvotes.

We'll assume you have mongodb, node, and npm installed already and have mongo running on the default port on localhost.

First we need to get SpaceMagic installed, so we just run:

npm install -g SpaceMagic

w00t, that's it, now we'll initialize a new SpaceMagic app.

spacemagic init todo-app
cd todo-app
npm install

This will create a barebones spacemagic application, and install all of the npm modules we need to get our app up and running.

If you go to localhost:3000 you should see the welcome to spacemagic screen. If the thing is green that means bootstrap is up and running. w00t.

Lets start out by mocking up our application in html. Since we're using LiveView all we have to do in order to have working templates is to write the semantic html we would have written anyway.


  <ul class = "tasks">
    <li class = "task">
      <div class="votingArea">
        <i class = "upVote"></i>
        <div class = "votes">0</div>
        <i class = "downVote"></i>
      <div class="titleContainer">
        <div class = "title"></div>
      <div class="checkboxContainer">
        <input type = "checkbox" class = "done">
  <form id = "newTaskForm">
    <input type = "text" name = "task[title]" />
    <input type = "submit" value="Add Task"/>

That should probably be enough html to get our app started.

Now, that we know what data our app is going to need to persist, we can defin a model for our tasks. The only type of document we need is a Task, which has three properties:

  • title
  • votes
  • done

    To define these properties on a model we use the key method.


var Document = require("LiveDocument/lib/document")

module.exports = Document.define("Task")

For the sake of simplicity we won't do any validation, so this is all there is to making a model.

Next, we need to set up a view. We'll use one of the built in view controllers which handles syncing the model to the template, the particular view we'll use is the list view, since we need to show a list of tasks.


var ListView = require("views/list_view") 

module.exports = ListView.define("TaskListView")                                            

Now we just need to connect the two together, so in application_controller.js we'll setup the route "/" to load our view. Feel free to delete preexisting boilerplate code, if it exists.


var TaskListView = require("../views/tasks/list")
  , Task = require("../models/task")
  , Controller = require("LiveController/lib/live_controller").Controller 

Controller("/", function(app) {
  app.get(function() {
    var tasks = Task.find()
    this.view = new TaskListView(tasks)

Now, when a user visits "/" they will see the list of tasks, which is currently empty.

To check that it's working, we can add a task via firebug/webkit inspector console like so:

var Task = require("/app/models/task")
Task.create({ title: "This is a task", votes: 0, done: false })

You should have seen it live update in on the page if everything is working. The form shouldn't work, neither do the checkbox or the up/downvote buttons.

We'll create a view to handle the new task form first


var View = require("views/view") 
  , Task = require("../../models/task")

module.exports = View.define("NewTaskView")
  .action("submit #newTaskForm", function(event, element) {
    var input = element.find("input[type=text]")
      , title = input.val()

    Task.create({ title: title, votes: 0, done: false })

now we just have to append this view as a subview of our main view.


//add the require
var NewTaskView = require("./new")
  , ListView = require("views/list_view") 

module.exports = ListView.define("TaskListView")                                            
//and make it a subview
  .subView("#newTaskForm", NewTaskView)

By default a Form View saves the model on submit, so this is all we need for a basic create form.

Now the last thing is to get the up and downvotes and checkboxes working.

So we'll create a single view for each task in the collection, for simplicity we'll put it at the top of the same file as the list view.


var NewTaskView = require("./new")
  , ListView = require("views/list_view") 
//single task view
var TaskView = ListView.define("TaskView")                                            
  .action("change input[type=checkbox]", function(event, element) {
    var done =":checked")
    this.model.set({ done: done })
  .action("click .upVote", function(event, element) {
    var votes = this.model.get("votes")
    this.model.set({ votes: votes + 1 })
  .action("click .downVote", function(event, element) {
    var votes = this.model.get("votes")
    this.model.set({ votes: votes - 1 })

module.exports = ListView.define("TaskListView")                                            
  .subView("#newTaskForm", NewTaskView)

and then add it as the view for the single items in the task list by pasting:


var NewTaskView = require("./new")
  , ListView = require("views/list_view") 
//single task view
var TaskView = ListView.define("TaskView")                                            
  .action("change input[type=checkbox]", function(event, element) {
    var done =":checked")
    this.model.set({ done: done })
  .action("click .upVote", function(event, element) {
    var votes = this.model.get("votes")
    this.model.set({ votes: votes + 1 })
  .action("click .downVote", function(event, element) {
    var votes = this.model.get("votes")
    this.model.set({ votes: votes - 1 })

module.exports = ListView.define("TaskListView")                                            
  .subView("#newTaskForm", NewTaskView)
//add it as a singleView

Finally, add the following to the end of your /assets/less/style.less if you want the list to look pretty.

ul.tasks {
  width: 415px;
  height: 500px;
  margin-left: 0px;
  overflow-y: auto;
  overflow-x: hidden;

li.task {
  float: left;
  width: 415px;
  margin-left: 0px;
  padding-left: 5px;
  list-style-type: none;

li:nth-child(2n) {
  background-color: #FFFAFA;

.votingArea {
  width: 15px;
  float: left;
  text-align: center;

.titleContainer {
  width: 300px;
  float: left;
  margin-left: 20px;

.checkboxContainer {
  width: 60px;
  float: left;
  margin-left: 20px;

.upVote {
    background-image: url("../img/glyphicons-halflings.png");
    background-position: -289px -96px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    display: inline-block;
    height: 14px;
    line-height: 14px;
    vertical-align: text-top;
    width: 14px;

.downVote {
    background-image: url("../img/glyphicons-halflings.png");
    background-position: -312px -96px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    display: inline-block;
    height: 14px;
    line-height: 14px;
    vertical-align: text-top;
    width: 14px;
input.done {
margin-top: 21px;

.title {
  margin-top: 15px;

form#newTaskForm {
  margin: 0px 0px 18px 80px;

i {
  cursor: pointer;

And Blam, you have a fully real-time todo list with upvotes. If you've had any problems, or just want to check out a completed version of the project, it's [](available from our GitHub repository).

Open app in two windows to observe real-time operation:

NOTE: Not intended to be an example of good UX design.